Professional Shipping Services for Sending Packages to Mexico

Send packages to Mexico through chinadivision, providing you with a one-stop service from warehousing to transportation. Experience the convenience of end-to-end transportation management, customized logistics solutions from China warehousing to door-to-door delivery in Mexico.

Chinadivision's Service Advantages in Transporting Packages to Mexico

Cargo tracking service

Adopting advanced cargo tracking system, real-time monitoring ensures cargo safety

Customer service

Quick response customer service ensures timely problem solving

Timeliness guarantee

Ensure on-time delivery by optimizing transportation routes and schedules

End-of-line delivery

Provide flexible last-mile delivery services to improve user satisfaction

ChinaDivision is proud to be a logistics and transportation solution provider from China to Mexico. Our professional team can handle various complex situations in international transportation to ensure that your goods arrive at their destination safely and on time.

Whenever you need transportation services to ship or import goods from China to Mexico, or need warehousing and distribution networks, ChinaDivision can provide real-time logistics tracking services and flexible logistics options to meet your needs. Through excellent logistics networks and transportation strengths, we provide you with the best international transportation experience, so that you can hand over your goods to us for transportation without worries.

Reasons for Using Chinadivision to Ship to Mexico

Free warehousing up to 30 days

Free warehousing up to 30 days

We receive goods from your Chinese suppliers and store them in our warehouse ( 30 days for free) in real time until orders are shipped.

Seamless integration

Seamless integration

As your business grows, it is important to accurately input orders data without relying on manual input. Our order management software can integrate with your shopping cart. Therefore, orders get downloaded and imported into our system automatically.



Your customers should be happy when receiving a special design package. We can provide tailored boxes, customized shipping labels, stickers, marketing inserts, greeting cards for specific festivals etc.

Various shipping options

Various shipping options

There are a variety of shipping methods from China to Mexico. You can choose from the cheapest to the most reliable and fastest carriers available, which gives you complete control over your shipping costs.

Transparent and heavily discounted rates

Transparent and heavily discounted rates

No set up fees, no minimum! You pay for the following only:

  • icon red dot Picking & packing
  • icon red dot Storage (free for the first three months)
  • icon red dot Customized value-added services(optional)
  • icon red dot Shipping(heavily discounted rates)

Recommended shipping methods from China to Mexico

icon red dot HK EMS

Packages above 6kg have a favorable price. Shipping rates are charged by actual weight.

icon red dot UPS

UPS is fast. Packages between 6-21kg have a price advantage from China to Mexico.

icon red dot DHL

DHL is fast and efficient. Packages less than 5.5kg enjoy a price advantage from China to Mexico.

icon red dot China EMS

China EMS is fast and easy for customs clearance. Small packages, especially, enjoy a price advantage. Shipping rates are charged by actual weight.

icon red dot Note:

Packages sent to Mexico by China EMS should not exceed 20kg. Any dimension for the parcel should not exceed 1.5 meters. As your freight forwarder in China, ChinaDivision will repackage and reinforce your parcels patiently and carefully, to make sure they meet the shipping demand and save your cost to the greatest extend.

Tips: Mexican Customs Duty Policy

Mexican customs judge the commodity value by the standard of CIF, namely cost + insurance + freight (commodity price + Insurance + Freight). This means that the import duty and taxes payable are calculated on the complete shipping value, which includes the cost of the imported goods, the cost of freight, and the cost of insurance.

icon red dot Duty rates:

Duty rates in Mexico vary from 0% to 140.4%, with the average duty rate at 13.97%. Some products can be imported free of duty (e.g. laptops, and other electronic products).

icon red dot A global tax of 16% on the CIF value applies to:

  • Imports by post where the FOB value, i.e. product value excluding shipping and insurance cost, is between US$300 and US$1000.
  • Imports by courier where the FOB value is between US$50 and US$1000.

icon red dot Sales Tax

VAT is levied on imports at a standard rate of 16% calculated on the sum of the CIF value, duty, DTA, and excise if applicable. Some products can be imported free of VAT.

icon red dot Minimum thresholds

  • Imports by post with a FOB value up to US$300 are free from all duties and taxes.
  • Imports by courier with a FOB value up to US$50 are free from all duties and taxes.

icon red dot Other taxes and custom fees

icon red dot Aerosol sprays, asbestos, butane lighters, strong magnetic materials, oxidizing substances, organic peroxides, etc.

DTA or Customs Processing Fee is applied to all imports at a rate of 0.8% of the sum of the CIF value and duty.

Excise is applicable to alcohol and tobacco products at rates between 25% and 160% of the sum of the CIF value and duty.

Part of Prohibited and Restricted Products in Mexico

In accordance with the "Law of General Import and Export Taxes", the introduction of the following products into the country is prohibited.

icon red dot Weapons

  • Firearms, except for hunting purposes, with the appropriate permits

icon red dot Animals and Animal Products

  • NOTE: Pets are allowed, but you must follow specific rules and procedures for bringing pets into to Mexico.
  • Live predatory fish in their fingerling, juvenile, and adult stage
  • Frozen Totoaba (Fish)
  • Totoaba, fresh or refrigerated (Fish)
  • Turtle eggs of any kind
  • Turtle or Green Turtle skins
  • Personal imports of meat and dairy products from most non-EU countries

icon red dot Note:

Some optional shipping methods from China to France and features

Shipping Method Estimated Delivery Time Line Features
DHL 3-6 Fast and good service
EMS 5-10 Easy for customs clearance, average speed and good service
EUB 10-20 Low price, normal spped, easy for customs clearance
AIR 15-30 Very low price, low speed, easy for customs clearance

chinadivision popular fulfillment service countries

Professional Chinese Product Sourcing Agent Team

With the procurement capabilities of Chinadivision, you will have a professional team of experts who purchase products from China, building a good communication bridge for you. You will not need to come to China to have a detailed understanding of the production and quality issues of Chinese products, assist in judging and verifying the reliability of suppliers, find the most favorable prices in low-cost countries, solve cross-border procurement problems, save costs, and expand your business into new fields.

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